Ambika Subramanyam
President of Agency

I am inspired every single day by the dedication and brilliance of the MissionWired team. Together, we’re igniting movements, spreading hope, and building a better world together.
I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of so many special projects in my time at MissionWired. I’ve led digital strategies for Friends of the Earth, Everytown for Gun Safety, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as campaigns like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s reelection, and I led the product team in scaling our award-winning data suite, The Digital Co-Op. It’s a real privilege to get to work alongside so many talented people all committed to catalyzing real change for our mission-driven partners. As president of the agency, I’m more excited than ever about what we can accomplish. Our team of 270+ nonprofit and political strategists includes brilliant creators, developers, project managers, genuinely experts in all facets of capturing attention and converting gifts. More important than their expertise, perhaps, is their passion. They do it all with eyes on the big picture: supporting organizations fighting every day to build a safer, more equitable world.
Insights from Ambika