Sarah Osinski
Senior Vice President, Accounts

It’s exciting to collaborate with others who share your passion for a cause – and it’s so fulfilling to see the impact of our work to power those causes, especially in these complicated times.
At MissionWired, I specialize in helping organizations achieve their fundraising goals by identifying opportunities to maximize revenue and keep donors engaged and committed. With over 20 years of experience leading direct mail and integrated fundraising programs for our nonprofit and political partners, I’m always excited to collaborate with others who share a passion for the same world-changing causes. It’s so fulfilling to see the impact of our work to power positive change, especially in these complicated times.
The past several years has posed a wide variety of challenges in the direct marketing space for cause-driven fundraising, but by working together with our nonprofit and political partners to adapt, innovate, and take some risks, time and again we have been able to deliver when it matters for organizations who are out there doing important work that makes the world a better place.